20 August 2013

Health is Wealth

The new normal, the way I should have always been eating. It seems so obvious. Just eat less, move more. I find that it is so much more than that, especially as a Southern woman. We express (or seem to) all emotions and events with food. We grieve with food, we celebrate with food, we comfort with food, we mourn with food, food dulls boredom, the list goes on. At a certain point we have to realize that we are worthy of good, clean, healthy food. Eat to live, not live to eat.

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." --- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Oatmeal (Oat Fit from Oat Revolution - 3 points)
1/2 oz almonds or walnuts (Blue Almond - 2 points)
Banana (0 points)

Midmorning Snack
Chobani 0% Raspberry Yogurt (3 points)
Grapes (0 points)

Leftovers or Smart Ones (5-7 points)
Steamable Veggies (0 points)

Midafternoon Snack
Popchips (3 points)
String Cheese (Part Skim - 2 points)

Lean Protein (4 points)
Green Beans with Almonds (Green Giant - 1 point)

Weight Watchers Ice Cream Sandwich (4 points)

Daily Musts
100 oz of water (if I'm not tinkling every hour, I'm not doing it right).
Walks with Scout
8 hours of sleep

Typical day has me at anywhere between 27 and 29 points. That is the best for me. I am supposed to have 26, but end up gaining on that little. Weight Watchers is the only sane way I see of doing things. I am down 35 pounds and hope to lose about 15 more. Again, we all know what to do and what to eat. It is a matter of making yourself and your health a priority. I have been up, down, and all around in my life. This go round I am emphasizing to myself that this is a lifestyle CHANGE. A permanent change. Not a diet. Not a fad. Not a quick fix. I deserve to be at my best.


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