29 December 2013

Whole 30

Started rereading 'It Starts with Food' last night. The first time I read it (9.5.13), I had downloaded it to my Nook. There are certain things I have no problem downloading and do only having on my Nook (50 Shades, anyone?). Other things really ought to be a tried and true book. This being one of them. Yesterday I set out to buy a real copy of the book, because let's face it, it's not real on the Nook. #sorrynotsorry I had a gift card to Barnes and Noble from one of my sweet students, so I set out for the 4 minute drive to Crabtree. I had been avoiding the mall post Christmas, but alas I needed to get my relationship with food shit together, like yesterday. No copies there. Three B&N's later I had nabbed the last copy, in what seemed to be all of Raleigh. Needless to say I have been highlighting and using post-its galore. You simply can't argue with the science and experience that went into writing this book. It is written in language that really hits home. Like they know exactly what you are thinking before you even realize that is what you are thinking. Ya dig?

They are doing a big Whole 30 starting on 1.1.14. (Visit whole9life.com to learn more) Gee I wonder if anyone else I America is cleaning up their act on that day? Don't let that stop you from making  a change, that is if you are ready to make a change. That's my start date and I've signed up to get the daily emails.

The Basics (via page 207 of 'It Starts with Food')
Follow these guidelines for the entirety of your program. No cheats, no slips, no excuses.
YES: Eat foods that make you more healthy- meat, seafood, eggs, lots of vegetables, some fruit, and plenty of healthy fats.
NO: Do not consume any added sugar, alcohol, grains, legumes, or dairy.
NO: Do not attempt to recreate junk foods or desserts by using "approved" ingredients.
NO: Do not step on the scale for the entirety of your program.

Here are Dallas and Melissa. How cute are they?

Who's in?

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